Simple With Tsh Oxenreider Podcast Episode 220: Hosting a Farm-to-Table Dinner + Nouns and Verbs

If pulling off hosting a farm dinner in a greenhouse with 150 people eating multiple courses over a 4-hour evening sounds overwhelming to you, it did to me at first too. Believe me. But after hosting six Kindred Dinners, I’ve learned a few important things about myself and humanity in general.

Several people have asked how we pull off events like this, so I’m pulling back the curtain a bit in this podcast episode with Tsh! Hint: it requires the good work of a lot of amazing people!

In this episode, Tsh also shares a very basic but eye-opening principle - if we want to BE something (noun), we have to DO the steps (verb) that are required to get there. This really spoke to me, especially when thinking about the writing part of my career.

Listen in on iTunes or at The Art of Simple, and let us know your thoughts!

You can also read my post, 6 Things I’ve Learned From Hosting Kindred Dinners, which inspired this episode.


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6 Things I've Learned From Hosting Kindred Dinners - For The Art of Simple