A Day In The Life (In the Time of Coronavirus)

The spring farming season has just begun, so my hands feel like sandpaper 98% of the time (the other 2% is when I remember to use the calendula salve I made from last summer’s calendula flowers). But I don’t even care, because I’ve never been more grateful to have good, hard work to do.

For some of us, the coronavirus has forced life to slow down considerably. Others of us are busier than ever, with extra work piled up, toddlers running feral, kids’ schoolwork to manage. And then, of course, there are all the brave souls out there providing us with healthcare, food, protection, and supplies, and who aren’t able to slow down for anything.

While schools and non-essential businesses and churches have been closed and all events cancelled, life still hums and roars within our homes. Daily life is pared down to its most precious essentials—health, food, nature, hope, togetherness.
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