The Story of Our 17th Anniversary

While our family was in Southwest Florida a few weeks ago, we got to spend so much undistracted time together after the craziness of spring events and launching a book.

Our 17th anniversary fell on one of the days we were there, so we planned a little date by the pool while our girls were going to have a sister date inside watching a movie. We went by a local artisan food market to grab some things for dinner (charcuterie and wine, of course!), and our girls headed straight for the bakery “to take care of something” while we watched from the produce section.

They were there for awhile looking in the display case and talking to a woman behind the counter. Finally, they joined us again with a very secretive brown bag that they said we couldn’t look inside, and informed us they would be paying for themselves.

When we got back to the house where we were staying, Steven and I began setting up everything for our special evening by the pool and soon heard a knock on the sliding door. When we opened the door, the girls came out holding a gorgeous layered chocolate cake with 17 candles creating a giant blaze in front of Norah’s face. After we blew them out, they told us what happened at the bakery counter…

After standing there for awhile trying to decide which cake to get that they could afford, the girls told the woman working at the bakery which chocolate cake they had decided upon. As she bagged it up, she said, “Of course. What’s the occasion?” The girls answered, “We’re here on a trip with our parents, and today is their 17th anniversary. We wanted to buy them something special to celebrate.” The woman smiled and then handed each girl a rainbow sprinkle truffle and said, “This is on the house. KEEP DOING BEAUTIFUL THINGS.”

When our 12-year-old Luci told us the story out by the pool and said the line “keep doing beautiful things,” she teared up.

And then Luci couldn’t resist saying, “I really hope you guys like it! It cost $18!” 🤣

The cake was delicious and decadent, but even more meaningful was the gesture. The heart behind it and their sacrifice. Through all the blunders, all the conflicts to work through, all the challenges….I am so grateful for the life Steven and I have built together. Honestly, there’s nothing more I want for our 17th anniversary than the life I have with these three.

Steven and I have walked some seriously hard roads. Yet, along the journey, so many people have poured into our marriage and family in ways that make me want to weep. And I’m thankful for that kind woman at the bakery who, with her seemingly small gesture and one-line statement, encouraged my daughters. They’ll probably never forget that.


This is what I hope for my life and marriage and family, always. Because of God’s extravagant love for us, we will fight for the freedom of others. We will sing of how vulnerability heals. And how true community is a salve.

I cannot imagine this life without Steven by my side, the man who from day one has encouraged me and us to follow Jesus and seek out the brave, beautiful things. Happy 17th anniversary, babe.

Here’s an oldie but goodie…

Read the story of our 4th anniversary, when Steven gave me a very special gift.


August Update


Norris Lake Magic